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Suggestion boxes

Lists of tools, solutions and examples of digital tools.

Set up digital mediation systems

  • Improve the coverage in secondary infrastructure and equipment: installation of digital booths, free access computers, Wi-Fi terminals in public places, stations, libraries or markets.
  • Organise or support training, workshops and educational campaigns on the use of digital tools and the Internet with mediators in municipal spaces, schools, etc.
  • Design and define accessibility norms for the online municipal services with easy, intuitive interfaces for users.
  • Diversify communication materials combining the circulation of information on paper, telephones, online, and drawing on the media to reach as many people as possible.

Digital tools for managing solid waste

  • Geolocalisation of recycling, resale, or waste collection points.
  • Sensors of filling rate of skips, collection points, landfill sites.
  • GPS on trucks to optimise collection circuits depending on traffic.
  • Pre-collection services on demand, door-to-door via SMS or application.
  • Mobile or automatic payment of fees or collection service.
  • Pricing by weight at collection time via connected scales.
  • Sorting at source encouraged by communication campaigns and collection points.
  • Systems to alert to hazardous waste dumping, full skips.

Digital tools in urban mobility systems

  • GPS mapping and data collection from artisanal transportation lines and stops.
  • Real time information on telephone about passing and/or stopping times.
  • Integrated ticketing on card or telephone with mobile (pre)payment.
  • Geolocalisation of the ticket sale stations or kiosks.
  • Traffic speed limit compliance control.
  • Applications for monitoring traffic, accidents and car parks.
  • Applications encouraging intermodal integration of journeys.
  • Development of shared (car pooling) or on demand services.
  • Computer monitoring of the state of the fleets and maintenance deadlines.
  • User returns, online votes and opinions on service and driving quality.

Some digital tools for managing essential services

Data production

  • Sensors on equipment: bus fleets, filling of skips, ticketing, etc.
  • Connected objects: GPS to follow and optimise routes, Bluetooth printers, etc.
  • Real time data collection using smartphones.

Exploitation of the data

Sharing and restitution

Examples of possible performance indicators for essential services

  • Energy savings and reduction in the consumption of vehicle fuel on optimised routes.
  • Increased revenue via growth in invoice collection rate using mobile payments.
  • Multiplication of applications (increase in the number of users) which facilitates the development of on demand services.
  • Number of lines, stops, collection points mapped and geolocalised.
  • Rate of use of a forum and queries on an online customer service.

Digital technology for disaster risk reduction (DRR)

  • Mapping of exposure areas on the basis of weather and seismic data …
  • Cross referencing of maps of risk exposure and residential areas, including precarious settlements.
  • geolocalisation of public reception facilities for emergencies.
  • Crisis communication strategies via social networks.
  • Modelling of vulnerability of major public infrastructures.
  • Models of optimisation of routes for emergency vehicles.
  • Crisis simulation tools to anticipate responses.
  • Drones for contacting inaccessible areas.
  • Real time coordination of emergency services, integrated protocols and command centres.
  • System of alarm and localisation of persons in danger by SMS.
  • Online risk information and awareness-raising campaigns.

Digital technology for upgrading precarious neighbourhoods

Some digital tools at the service of urban and spatial planning

Data source

Data exploitation

Sharing and restitution

Examples of performance indicators for digital planning

  • Number of neighbourhoods mapped participatively and quantity of information listed.
  • Increase in the number of contributors on OpenStreetMap.
  • Enriching of the database of at-risk infrastructure.
  • Number of subscribers to a feed, page, or alarm network.
  • New partnerships with urban operators for the geolocalisation of public facilities.

Support firms in the digital sphere

  • Define critical urban problems to submit and share with innovative firms
  • Make available from time to time shared, equipped and connected premises
  • Grant aids and facilitate procedures for company creation in the digital sphere
  • Allocate subsidies to digital training programmes
  • Organise competitions and prizes for digital innovation, accredit promising start-ups
  • Facilitate exchanges between traditional private sector and start-ups via trade fairs and forums
  • Grant targeted aids for innovation with a social and environmental vocation and local impact
  • Put in place partnerships with universities for data processing
  • Accompany informal service operators to develop digital services

Work with start-ups to develop digital tourism services

  • Geolocalise tourism offers (accommodation and catering) on online mapping systems
  • Create an interactive map with places of interest to create a tourism itinerary
  • Publish up-to-date practical information online (times, access, prices, etc.)
  • Publish an up-to-date schedule of local cultural and sports events online
  • Install flash codes on historical and heritage buildings that link to tourist information
  • Opt for audio guide applications at the tourist sites for interactive visits
  • Set up an e-ticket service for online management of visitor flows
  • Install Internet terminals with free access and/or Wi-Fi in tourist places
  • Create forums for sharing experiences and visitor comments

Examples of performance indicators in the digital economy

  • Number of local applications registered in the application stores.
  • Funds mobilised for organising start-up competitions.
  • Frequentation of Museum and tourist spot websites.
  • Increase in online ticket sales and tourist visits.
  • Number of participants at a local digital economy trade fair or forum.
  • Registration of guides, hotels and restaurants on a local tourism platform.
  • Increased traffic at tourist sites.

Digital technology for facilitated exchanges with citizens

  • Introduction of a website, social network pages, web portal.
  • Dematerialisation of administrative procedures and procedures: civil registry, permits, etc.
  • Creation of online libraries and archives of regulatory documents.
  • Votes and questionnaires online for citizen consultation.
  • Creation of tools for citizens to notify urban malfunctions.
  • Installation of interactive terminals, Wi-Fi and public digital spaces.
  • Forums or email systems for exchanging among politicians, administrative staff and users.
  • Mediation and digital education systems to facilitate appropriation.

Digital technology for increasing municipal revenue

  • Creation of digital tax payer profiles with monitoring of payment statements.
  • Public terminals for paying taxes, invoices, licence fees and duties.
  • Applications for online or mobile payment of taxes and duties.
  • Applications for recording, monitoring and payment of fines.
  • Payment reminders and confirmations by SMS or email.
  • Portable connected printers for issuing receipts on site.
  • Tablet computers or connected terminals for collecting taxes on site.
  • Interfaces for information on local budget expenditure.
  • Complaints and claims services online and via SMS.

Some digital tools for facilitating exchanges

Data production

  • Conversion of paper files to digital format, storage in databases and computer archives
  • Collection of taxes and dematerialised receipts
  • Sensors and connected objects (cameras, etc.)
  • Crowdsourced data

Data analysis and processing

  • Computerisation of manual operations (production of reports, record of salaries, etc.)
  • Inventory of office equipment and document search equipment
  • Record of tax payers in an online municipal register
  • Centralisation of data on a municipal server
  • Geolocalisation of tax payers
  • Creation of integrated operations and control centres

Communication and exchanges

  • Sharing of hard disks, printers and scanners
  • Libraries and electronic archives
  • Internet platforms open to citizens
  • Deadline reminders by SMS
  • Applications for notifying irregularities, recording infringements
  • Conversion of data into re-usable formats
  • Digitalization of legislative documents

Examples of e-governance performance indicators

  • Increase in online tax collection rate.
  • Rate of population participation in participatory systems and digital consultations.
  • Number of contributions to public debate online on social networks.
  • Rate of recourse to online administrative procedures.
  • Frequentation and use of free access terminals or computers in administrations.
  • Number of creations or recording of individual online accounts.
  • Increase in frequentation rate and follows of the city hall’s web pages and social networks.

Civic tech solutions for engaging citizens

Driving internal organisational change

  • Organise a creative day-long “sprint” that engages staff who volunteer to work as a “start-up” and submit digital solutions to be tested within the municipality.
  • Devote a small budget to having service providers develop services (applications, software) to test solutions that improve daily work practices.
  • Organise themed work groups (human resources, administrative procedures, land ownership, housing, planning, etc.) to arrange in a hierarchy the transformation actions to be undertaken.
  • Put in place a shared internal server to open municipal or local data to personnel.
  • Promote the use of digital applications for internal exchanges, meetings (collaborative platform, internal chat software, forum for sharing business line information, etc.).
  • Promote the use of digital applications for project management tools and budget programming.
  • Encourage people to join social networks and online groups, and define common digital communication rules for officers.
  • Symbolically reward the departments who improved in performance or efficiency thanks to the use of ICT.
  • Invite entrepreneurs, start-ups or universities to present their innovative methods and the possibilities afforded by digitalization.

Prerequisites and first steps of administrative dematerialisation

Choose and prioritize urban data to be gradually opened

  • Geographic and cartographic data, urban planning documents (plans, regulations).
  • Minutes of municipal council meetings and regulations.
  • Data from user services (public facilities, hours of opening).
  • Public procurement documents (calls for tender, results).
  • Budgetary and financial data (sector, investment and operating budgets).
  • City statistics, social and economic data.
  • Granting of subsidies (attribution criteria, selected projects).
  • State of urban and social services.

Lists of tools, solutions and examples of digital tools.