Home > Digital technology in four urban domains > Manage urban services > Produce a diagnosis of digital tools for the targeted urban service

Manage urban services

Step 2

Produce a diagnosis of digital tools for the targeted urban service


Produce an initial diagnosis of the uses of digital technology by all the service providers, whether or not related to the local authority.

Efficiency is an important factor for the providers of public services in the digital transformation of infrastructure and commercial offers. The introduction of digital services will then go hand in hand with the organisational reforms related, in particular, to the automation of certain tasks, and therefore to restructuring in terms of business lines and human resources.

For the small private or informal providers, digital technology can be a means to expand their market, facilitate contact with users, ensure better monitoring of their offer and of their invoicing, etc. They also, once equipped, have an incentive to use these tools.

The degree of ICT penetration in these service offers varies depending on the investment capacities of the providers and the potential returns on investment they can expect.

Several elements must be taken into account.

  • The uses of digital technology by the municipal provider: clientele services, ticketing, payment of taxes, internal administrative and commercial management, fleet and equipment monitoring; communication.
  • The uses by alternative providers: on demand services, mobile payment, commercial advertising, and clientele relations.
  • Existing tools and the data that can be generated: applications for service requests, proportion of online payment, dematerialised clientele services, service management data, geo-tracking of journeys, consumption monitoring, customer databases, etc.
Practical exercise

Produce a quick self-diagnosis of digital maturity

Produce a quick diagnosis of the possibilities and limits afforded by the regulatory framework of the sector

  • What are the national and international programmes, competitions and calls for projects that can rally specific funding for digital innovation and/or the modernisation of the public service considered?
  • What place is acknowledged and/or granted to alternative or informal service provision within the sectoral framework of the urban service concerned?
  • What is the distribution of skills and responsibilities between the State (if it is a stakeholder), the local authority and the provider?

Produce a quick diagnosis of the digital maturity of the urban service targeted

  • What is the level of computer equipment of the urban service providers (computers, software, sensors, etc.)?
  • For what uses do the providers have recourse to digital solutions (clientele services, flow monitoring, ticketing and invoicing, internal management, on demand service, etc.)?
  • What is the providers’ online presence (websites, social networks, applications, etc.)?
  • What data of potential interest is collected by the providers? Is it centralised and processed?
  • What part of the service is listed and geolocalised (on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)? Is this data updated?
  • What digital services are offered to users, and what is the rate of use of these digital solutions compared to physical exchanges?
  • Are there any start-ups who develop digital solutions for the service concerned?

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