- What access is there to telephone and Internet connections? What is the uptake rate of telephones, computers and printers, software installed and licences bought, tools for management, backup and archiving online in the municipal departments?
- Are there any public information and communication portals (websites, social network pages, etc.) and how frequently are they updated?
- What is the state of existing data and statistics: format, update, possibility of standardisation and interoperability between departments, storage solutions?
- Is there a computer department, where is it positioned on the organizational chart? What are the teams’ skills and degree of mastery of digital technology, personally and professionally?
- Who could be the person or department, sufficiently cross-disciplinary, legitimate and innovative to carry the digital project internally? Who could be external allies (universities, entrepreneurs, incubators
Support structure for business creation projects. Provide know-how, a network and logistics during the first stages of the life of the company. Incubators address companies that are very young or in the course of being incorporated.
Incubators stand out by the services they propose, whether or not they are profitable or by the type of projects they target.
Since the mid 2000s, “second generation incubators” have appeared known as accelerators, offering aid for the creation of a firm in exchange for shares in the new company.
) for sharing this digital innovation culture and method?
Key questions
Key questions 13