A digital strategy to create a participatory framework around the smart city.
In 2015 the city of Paris, along with a committee of public and private partners, implemented a digital strategy called Paris intelligente et durable, perspectives 2020 et au-delà (Smart, sustainable Paris, outlook for 2020 and beyond). The aim is to enrich and evolve gradually with contributions from the different stakeholders.
Digital systems, co-construction workshops, online groups of users, experts and public officers are set up to encourage citizen participation:
- Idée Paris (Paris Idea) is a forum for contact between project leaders and partners;
- Je m’engage pour Paris lists the missions in the public interest according to geographic, thematic and temporal criteria and facilitates meetings between volunteers and associations and collectives;
- The interactive map Carticipe allows people to propose and vote for projects on a map of the city available online.
The creation of an independent structure dedicated to the smart city makes it possible to drive the approach in a cross-sectional manner. Composed of half a dozen staff and reporting to the “Smart and sustainable city” mission’s general secretariat, it enables project monitoring and driving, management of responses to national and European calls for projects, and organisation of new ways of working with the partners.
This cross-wise structure brings together all the “innovation” contacts of the divisions, or six persons, each in charge of a theme (data, participation, mobility, architecture, energy, digital solutions and planting).
Lessons learnt
- Digital strategy management was embodied in the creation of a dedicated service within the municipality.
- The strategy was fuelled by the results of several coordination mechanisms with the inhabitants using digital tools.