An inventory of the technical, human and financial resources available that could be rallied for the local authority gives an idea of the types of actions and funding they could commit for scaling up.
- Availability of data: how can data be made accessible to the local authority, how can third party stakeholders be given access to data to develop new services? How can some data be made open?
- Innovation agenda: how to target, depending on resources, actions supporting digital innovation? Towards which co-funders should we turn?
- Is there a municipal team or a small in-house group familiar with or interested in digital innovation?
- Is it possible to release funds to finance open innovation events and subsidise start-ups for developing a prototype?
- Are there any possibilities of funding to undertake investments in local infrastructure (Wi-Fi terminals, for example, GIS GIS Geographic information system: system designed to gather, store, process, analyse, manage and display all types of spatial and geographic data , servers to host production)?