Intermediate cities network to create jobs thanks to digital technology.
The European URBACT programme allows eleven cities in proximity to major “hubs” to learn on the general theme of job creation. The work takes place on two scales.
- transnational meetings and activities on specific themes: how to define the digital ecosystem, how to attract and retain talent, how to support start-ups, how to fund connected spaces and premises, how to digitise the traditional industries;
- local activities in each city from a local URBACT support group combining all the stakeholders around the local authority. Each group has the aim of drawing up a local digital agenda on the selected theme.

To take the example of a city in the programme, Clermont-Ferrand in France, as requested by the local authority, the network made it possible to work on supporting the sound and light sector with the stakeholders:
- execution of a sector inventory from February to June 2017;
- co-definition of a shared vision for the future of the sector (participatory workshop on 27 June 2017);
- identification of actions to be co-managed by stakeholders (June 2017 to May 2018).
Lessons learnt
- Peer dialogue (city to city) is a powerful vehicle for learning.
- The cities forming a network must make sure they all want to learn from each other and must find donors to fund their local and transnational activities.