Perform a quick diagnosis of possibilities for supporting start-ups
- What are the national and international programmes, competitions and calls for projects that can rally specific funding for digital innovation?
- What are the programmes, competitions and calls for projects that can rally funding for the social and solidarity economy?
- What is the regulatory framework for the creation of small companies (aids and procedures)? On which aspects can the local authority facilitate procedures?
- Are there, in neighbouring cities and countries, dynamic ecosystems that can serve as a source of inspiration, or even coaches for local start-ups?
Produce a quick diagnosis of the digital maturity of the urban service targeted
- Are there any start-ups on the territory? Third places Third places Correspond to social environments other than home and work. These are physical spaces where individuals can meet, come together and exchange informally in response to the needs of a community present. Third places all have their own personality, depending on their location and the community that is present there. Co working spaces are considered specific third places. ? Dynamic cybercafés?
- Are innovative organizations listed as formal companies, NGOs, individual entrepreneurs?
- Are there any local financiers and investors (business angels
Business angels
Providential investors: private individuals possessing successful entrepreneurial experience who invest in a young company. Their support is financial, but also includes coaching based on experience, networking and skills development. The business angel provides special support to the young firm in the design and execution of their idea.
) that can be engaged? - What are the local applications in mobile application stores in the domains of transportation, catering, tourism or local media…?
- How accurate and rich is the information available on OpenStreetMap?
- Which universities and training courses offer curricula in computing, development, innovation and digital technology? Where do young graduates with digital skills work?