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Practical exercises

Practical exercise 16

Identify quick, easy pilot actions to stimulate digital innovation in local economic development

List pilot actions that are simple and fast to meet the needs of companies

In the traditional economic sector, what are the priorities for accelerating the use made of digital technology?

  • The generation, sharing and opening of data to offer the possibility of developing new, related services?
  • Communication strategies and online marketing to increase appeal?
  • The building of interfaces and platforms to facilitate exchanges and relations with customers/users?
  • Building partnerships or support for innovation via innovative third party enterprises?

For start-ups, what are their priority needs in terms of:

  • equipment;
  • data;
  • coaching;
  • funding.

Define the experimental scope of the actions

  • What type of stakeholders do we wish to provide with initial support?
  • On which key urban development issues are we awaiting the introduction of new digital services?
  • What are the possibilities for creating niche markets, derogations, spaces to facilitate experimentation with new business models?

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Practical exercises